Appropriate conditions for development of different types of tourism will be created in Baku according to BGP. Tourism is rightly considered as one of the most important field of non-oil sector of national economy. Baku is speedy developing tourism destination. And it is not surprising that the General Plan 2040 of Baku city pays special attention to this field.
Travelling to our country for most guests starts from the capital and here they most often stop. Baku is a city which inhabitants are in love with him and a city where tourists are invariably fascinated. Here, historical and architectural monuments are harmoniously adjacent to modern high-rise buildings, and everyone will find what they are looking for in this city. Our capital is a great place for both business and leisure trips. It is not for nothing that last year the famous Forbes magazine included Baku in the list of one of the best destinations of 2023. In this year, Baku was once again recognized by tourists, being included in the list of the best gastronomic destinations.
There’s a special place is given to development of tourism in General Development Plan of the capital. It is assumed that in 2040 per tourist expenses for per week stay in Baku will be about $1175. At the same time, the annual flow of tourists will be increased by 4%. The Plan also highlights the importance of identifying priority areas for sustainable investment in tourism. There is a need to diversify tourism activities and service structures so that people can carry out their activities all year round. It is very important that tourism in our country has an all-season character, which requires new tourist offers and tourist routes. According to the Plan, by 2040 170 hectars of territory will be allocated for development of resort tourism in the capital. Special attention will be paid to improving the quality of sea water and the environment in general, which will have a positive impact on urban beach tourism. From beach areas to various tourist attractions, it will be possible to arrange individual excursions thanks to the planned improvement of the transport system. The master plan refers to the need to preserve the soviet heritage in order to present it as a modern cultural heritage; to restore the aquatic environment and natural value of lakes, to revitalize them as recreational areas and natural habitat; preserving local architectural style of Absheron Peninsula and providing solutions for its modern interpretation in the design of new facilities; strengthening tourism and culture sectors by introducing additional new economic groups, such as art and creative industries, etc.

Expert in toirism and hospitality, Chairman of the Executive Board of Azerbaijan Ecotourism Association and Chairperson of DAIR Hotels and Restaurants Association Samir Dubendi told about Baku Master Plan, concerning the development of tourism industry in the capital: – It should be said that all the ambitious strategic goals specified in the master plan are aimed at improving the ecological situation in general, creating a harmonious ecosystem of a multifunctional city, and consequently, tourism opportunities of the megapolis. As an eco-activist, I am particularly pleased by the fact that the master plan pays exclusive attention to environmental standards, creation of ecological transport and “green” corridors, seaside beaches, preservation of cultural image of the capital and other important issues ensuring sustainable development of urban infrastructure. In addition to meet the goals of the master plan, we will be able to increase the length of stay and spendings of tourists by 2040. The document covers many environmental issues that will require improvement of environmental and tourism legislation. These are creation of various environmental standards, including for the hospitality and tourism industry, and in the same time tightening of generally accepted natural-ecological requirements for the city population and guests of the capital, also eco-transport regulations, requirements for exploitation of water and other resources and much more. I dare say that we should also think seriously about the geography, cultural and demographic indicators of inbound tourism. Along with the fact that the local population can become a model for the visiting guests, in terms of respect for the environment, demonstrating a high ecological culture of urban mentality, we can also diversify the flow of visitors and increase the number of tourists from the most developed and eco-friendly countries. I am sure that this can also have a positive impact on economic indicators, increasing and diversifying the spending of tourists in the host country. In this sense, holding of COP29 in Baku can serve as an excellent support for the start of these processes. I would also like to note that there are serious environmental threats on the territory of Absheron Peninsula, which can take a huge amount of economic resources to eliminate it. Improvement of water, including sewage, drainage systems, seashore and shoreline treatment can be mentioned among these issues. With regard to the ecological status of the Caspian Sea, the common efforts of the Caspian littoral countries are required in this regard. It is urgent to deal with the condition of the rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea.
The purposeful work on the implementation of the tasks of the Baku City Master Plan, the observance of norms and rules by the population and guests of the capital, the joint efforts of the state, public and private sectors should play a key role in the creation of a new, more modern and at the same time authentic city with a distinctive culture, which connects parts of the world.