Interview with the director of the company “Brake Systems Azerbaijan MMC”, Mehman Agayev for the “Azerbaijan Today” magazine
Questions prepared by Nigar Salamzada
A.T: First of all, Mr. Agayev, we would like to ask you to briefly introduce yourself to our readers as the director of “Brake Systems Azerbaijan MMC”.
M.A.: Although my parents hail from one of the most beautiful parts of Azerbaijan, Ismayilli, I was born and raised in Baku. I have 43 years of work experience. For the first 8 years, I worked in the manufacturing sector during the Soviet period. I started as a worker at the Baku Non- Ferrous Metals Processing Plant and later held managerial positions there. Following that, I worked in various positions in both the public and private sectors. The experience I’ve accumulated over the years is proving invaluable.
A.T: As an Azerbaijani businessman, why did you decide to start producing brake pads under the “KLASS” brand?
M.A.: There are thousands of brake pad brands worldwide. The word “KLASS” is catchy and evokes positive emotions. I believe this name will help us establish a strong market position. Initially, since we were unsure of the product’s success, we chose a different, non-national name for the brand. However, I’m sure that over time, we will develop a national brand.
A.T: Have you encountered any challenges in the process of starting your business, and how did you overcome them?
M.A.: We haven’t encountered any major obstacles during the start-up process. It has now been nine months since we launched sales. Unfortunately, our only difficulty is the distrust our compatriots have toward local products. However, I’m confident that we will overcome this over time because our products are of high quality and affordable. Consumers just need time to become familiar with our brand.
A.T: What are the main features that distinguish “KLASS” brake pads from other manufacturers? Is there currently competition in the local market?
M.A.: The brake pad market is highly competitive. There are over 100 importers in the country offering more than 80 brands of brake pads. As a result, the price and quality spectrum in this sector is quite broad. “KLASS” brake pads hold a unique position in this spectrum. Our product is the best among the affordable options and the most affordable among the best options. Since our products are manufactured in full compliance with modern technological principles, our brake pads meet the primary customer demand for quiet operation, maintain consistent performance in extreme conditions, and ensure effective braking. As a local manufacturer, we provide full and long-term warranties for our products. We cover all costs for dissatisfied customers. So far, complaints about our products account for less than 0.2% of total sales.
A.T: What technologies do you use to produce high-quality brake pads? How do you ensure resistance to wear and vibrations in your products?
M.A.: Although the equipment we use is manufactured in China, the technology is Japanese. We exclusively use high-quality raw materials and supplies in our production. We have highly qualified staff. Additionally, our facility is equipped with laboratory and testing equipment that allows for constant quality control. These factors enable us to produce high-quality products that fully meet consumer expectations.

A.T: Why do you think consumers choose your products? What factors play a significant role in their decision-making?
M.A.: Azerbaijani consumers primarily focus on two factors: noise-free operation and affordability. Our products definitely do not make noise or squeak during operation. As for the price, there are market participants who offer lower prices than ours. However, none of them match the guarantees we provide, and in some cases, the ‘silence’ of cheaper products is broken. The mileage of “KLASS” brake pads exceeds the mileage of similar cheap brake pads by 2-3, and sometimes 4 times, which actually indicates the greater cost-effectiveness of our products. If we were to calculate the cost per brake pedal press, our brake pads would undoubtedly be the most economic.
A.T: What steps does your company take to ensure environmental sustainability in the production of brake pads?
M.A.: Brake pad production is a complex process. It involves the use of various chemical substances and mixtures. This, in turn, leads to the release of various types of gases and dust during the production process. To prevent possible damage to the environment, we use appropriate filters and equipment to neutralize gases and capture dust. I would like to emphasize that we do not use asbestos in our production process.
A.T: Does your production capacity meet the growing demand for quality automotive spare parts in the current market?
M.A.: At present, we only produce brake pads for passenger vehicles. However, we’ve already ordered equipment that will enable us to manufacture brake pads for medium-tonnage trucks. We plan to start producing those by mid-year and aim to produce pads for heavy-duty trucks by the end of the year. Our goal is to capture approximately 30% of the market share by 2026.
A.T: Do you have a strategy for entering foreign markets in the near future? Are there any plans for that?
M.A.: Yes, we are currently in negotiations with business partners from the Middle East and CIS countries. We’ve presented product samples, and the initial feedback is positive. I believe we’ll start exporting within the coming months.
A.T: Are you satisfied with the support provided by the government for entrepreneurs in our country?
M.A.: Our facility is a resident of the Hajigabul Industrial Park. The building we operate in belongs to the state and has been leased to us at a favorable rate, eliminating the need for significant capital investment. As a park resident, we benefit from extensive tax exemptions and are exempt from
customs duties and taxes on imported equipment. Moreover, state institutions such as the Ministry of Economy, The Economic Zones Development Agency, and KOBIA (The Small and Medium Business Development Agency) regularly follow our activities and provide practical assistance in resolving issues.