Posts From safaelsafa

Telespazio Today is a Leading Player in the Space Market Worldwide

An interview with Mr. Luigi Pasquali, GEO, Telespazio AT: Mr. Luigi Pasquali, could you please tell us about the activities of Telespazio how was it created, what path of development has it travelled and what sort of achievements does it

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AZERFON is an Integral Part of IT Sector Development Azerbaijan

An exclusive interview with Mr. John Armley the General Director of “Azerfon” AT: Mr. Armley, thank you much for agreeing to meet with us. We would like to start this interview by asking you to tell our readers about your

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A Proud American with Azerbaijani heritage….

By Tomris Azeri, President of Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA).I am a proud American of Azerbaijani heritage. Immigrating to the Unites States with my family in 1963, I had the good fortune to be reared and educated here where I

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Applaus for Islam Manafov in the Mozarthaus in Vienna

Pianist, educator, Azerbaijani artist of the state and lecturer İslam MANAFOV, gave a concert presenting his new CD. It was organized by Culture Meeting Point at the Esprerantella Cultural Festival in the Bösendorfer hall of the Mozarthaus, one of the

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Azerbaijani Role in European Energy Security

By Rasa Vaiciuniene, Industry Analyst at Euromonitor International With over 40 million tonnes of crude oil output per annum, Azerbaijan is one of the largest oil producers and exporters in the Middle East. However, after the discovery of the Shah

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Synthesis of Civilizations and Cultures

By Moses Becker, researcher at the Institute for Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Historically Azerbaijan has always been at the crossroads of trade routes. Large and small states’ interests have been tied here. On the

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Azerbaijan’s Orginal Cusine

Since in Azerbaijan there are 9 of 11 existing climatic zones, the nature has clearly taken care of us by providing our country with most diverse and tasteful fruits, vegetables and herbs, which are used in making different meals… A

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The Official Washington is a Strong Supporter of the Southern Gas Corridor

An interview with Mr Richard Morningstar, US Ambassador to Azerbaijan. AT: Mr Morningstar, first of all, it would be interesting to know your opinion about US-Azerbaijani political relations.What is the state of the relations between the two countries under changing

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World Renowned Physician Husrev Hatemi

Although of Azerbaijani descent, Husrev Hatemi was born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1938. After finishing the Ataturk school for boys in 1956, he entered Istanbul University and graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1962. In 1962, he entered Tedavi

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The Investments are Based on a Broad Diversification Across Asset Classes, Countries, and Sectors

An interview with Mrs. Hilde Singsaas, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance of the Norway AT: What can you say about the role of oil revenues and perspectives in Norwegian economy? Does the increasing oil-gas revenue from these sources impede the

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