
Shah Deniz: Past, Present and Future

An interview with Al Cook, BP Vice-President for Shah Deniz Development  A.T.: Early this year the media first heard the full story of Shah Deniz Full Field Development and we would like to build our interview on this story, but

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Switzerland’s Stability is The Result of Its Political System Based on Federalism

By Rovshan Pashazadeh  An Interview with Mr Didier Burkhalter, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Switzerland.  AT: Minister, Switzerland has attracted people from all over the world for centuries. Your country is rightly regarded as one of the most stable

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Azerbaijan: For Austria Azerbaijan is the Most Important Trading Partner in the Southern Caucasus Region

An Interview with Mr Reinhold Mitterlehner, Minister for Economic Affairs and labour of the Austria.  By Rovshan Pashazadeh  AT: The diplomatic relations between Austria and Azerbaijan do not cover a very long period of time. But despite that, the foundations

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One of the Most Important Environmental Projects Carried out By SOCAR is the Ecological Park

Azerbaijan Today magazine interviews Vice-President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Rafiqa Huseynzada. AT: SOCAR has been taking a serious approach to the solution of environmental problems in the recent period. In general, we would like you to share

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America Should Be Doing More to Bring About a Peaceful Resolution of Armenia’s Unlawful Occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh

Interview with Congress Mr. Michael E. McMahon of New York.AT: Dear Mr. McMahon, first of all, it would be interesting to know your opinion about US-Azerbaijani political relations. As a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on

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We are a Proud Partner in Azerbaijan’s Two World Class Offshore Fields in the Caspian Sea

Exclusive interview with Helge Lund of Statoil President and CEO By Rovshan Pashzadeh AT: Mr. Helge Lund, in June this year HRH Crown Prince Haakon visited Azerbaijan and was received by President Ilham Aliyev. What is your assessment of the

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Vadim Sorokin: Our Advantage is that the Vehicles We Produce are Tailored for Customer’s Needs

Exclusive interview with Mr. Vadim Sorokin, President and Chief Executive, GAZ Group. AT: Mr. Sorokin, it is known that GAZ has gained popularity thanks to cooperation with foreign partners. What has GAZ achieved for today working with its foreign partners?

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Today, We Have the Reward of Our Initial Optimism, But Also the Result of Our Tenacity

An Interview Mr Christian Giudecilli, General Manager TOTAL E&P Azerbaijan. By Rovshan Pashazadeh1) Total can already be regarded as one of the “oldest” companies working in Azerbaijan. Your company has been working on the Azerbaijani oil and gas market for

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Azerbaijan Has a Long an Interesting History and a Rich Culture

An interview with Mr. Erling Skonsberg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to Azerbaijan AT: Mr. Ambassador, could you please tell us a little bit about yourself? What was your job before being appointed ambassador to Azerbaijan?

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Telespazio Today is a Leading Player in the Space Market Worldwide

An interview with Mr. Luigi Pasquali, GEO, Telespazio AT: Mr. Luigi Pasquali, could you please tell us about the activities of Telespazio how was it created, what path of development has it travelled and what sort of achievements does it

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