
The Inaugural European Games in Baku Will Be A Great Event

An Interview Mr. Abulfaz Karayev, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan. By Rovshan Pashazadeh.AT: In 2015, Azerbaijan will host its first ever European Olympic Games. And for the first time, these first games will cause a

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How I Was Turned Away from Nagorny Karabakh

By Artem Yefimov I as an admirer of Armenian temple architecture was mainly interested in ancient monasteries of Gandsasar and Dadivank in Nagorny Karabakh. My friend Max who had already been to Pridnestrovye, Southern Ossetia and Abkhazia as a photographer,

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TANAP Will Provide Significant Contributes to The Region’s Energy Supply Security and Sustainability. In Addition, It is Highly Important for Azerbaijan to Reach to New Regions and Diversify Current Markets

An interview Mr. Mehmet UYSAL Chairman and President TPAO. AT: Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) is the first Turkish company that started working in Azerbaijan. How did TPAO come to Azerbaijan? After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Turkic Republics

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Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Azerbaijan: Retrospective Review

By Gubad Ibadoglu, coordinator of the Coalition of Public Associations for Increasing Transparency in Extractive Industries of Azerbaijan Although Azerbaijan’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is based on the oil and gas industry, this initiative was later joined by the gold

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Jonas Gahre: Norway’s Ambition is to Further Develop the Engagement of Norwegian Companies in the Caspian Basin

By Rovshan Pashazadeh Interview with Minister of Foreign, Jonas Gahr Store AT: In June this year Crown Prince Haakon visited Azerbaijan and was received by President Ilham Aliyev. What is your assessment of the meeting for the development of the

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Azerbaijan is a Safe, Stable Country with Good Infrastructures

An interview with Mr. Mario Baldi , Italian Ambassador to Azerbaijan AT: Mr. Ambassador, could you please share with our readers your ideas about the establishment and development of Italy -Azerbaijani relations? Our relations find their roots in the history,

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Xinalig – A Village Too Far

By Mike Walsh I was beginning to think so myself certainly. This was my fourth attempt to make it there and it is fair to say the others were quite a failure, some more spectacular than others. It was all

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EBRD Significantly Boosted its Investments and Activities in Azerbaijan in Recent Years

An interview with Francis Delaey, Country Manager of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Azerbaijan. AT: Could you please speak for us about the history of opening of the EBRD? Who are the founders? The European Bank for Reconstruction

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Mountain Paradise

Azerbaijan has a very favorable geographical position. Situated on the crossroads between West and East, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and abutting on the Caspian Sea on the fourth side. The nature itself has taken care of

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Statoil with our Participation in ACG, Shah Deniz, BTC and SCP is Proud to Have Contributed to these Developments

An interview with Lars T. Sorensen President, Statoil Azerbaijan. AT: Statoil has been functioning in Azerbaijan since 1992. How much have you invested in exploration, production and infrastructure projects in Azerbaijan as the participator of all important energy projects of

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