Azerbaijan Contributes to Energy Security in Europe, which is Also in Norway’s Interest
An interview with Mr. Espen Bath Eide, Foreign Minister of Norway. AT: After Azerbaijan regained its independence in 1991, the Kingdom of Norway was the first Nordic country to lay the foundations of diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan. What was the
Read MoreEnergy is an Area in Which Azerbaijan and the EU Share a Mutual Interest
Rovshan Pashazadeh’s interview with Ambassador Roland KOBIA, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan A.T.: If there were not Nabucco on the agenda of European Union, how important player would be Azerbaijan in the energy policy of EU?
Read MoreI Believe Azerbaijan is Becoming Increasingly Aware of The Importance of Ever Closer Ties with Europe
Exclusive interview with Herbert Quelle, Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan.AT: Mr. Ambassador, are you satisfied with today’s German-Azerbaijani relations? How does Germany see its future policy towards Azerbaijan? Our bilateral relations are close and trustful. They cover all areas you
Read MoreTerrorism Can be Defeated, Probably Piecemeal, but I Doubt that it Can be Eliminated Entirely.
Exclusive interview with Mr. Stanley Escudero, vice-president of American Chamber of Commerce in AzerbaijanBy Rovshan Pashzadeh AT: The whole world was shocked by the terrorist attack on Baku’s Oil Academy on 30 April, which took the lives of a dozen
Read MoreSwitzerland’s Stability is The Result of Its Political System Based on Federalism
By Rovshan Pashazadeh An Interview with Mr Didier Burkhalter, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Switzerland. AT: Minister, Switzerland has attracted people from all over the world for centuries. Your country is rightly regarded as one of the most stable
Read MoreEu-Azerbajan Relations An Ever-closer Partnership for a Better Future
By José Manuel Barroso The European Union was built as a project of peace and reconciliation in the aftermath of the Second World War. The idea underpinning it was to change confrontation into cooperation and integration. And this dream has
Read MoreAmerica Should Be Doing More to Bring About a Peaceful Resolution of Armenia’s Unlawful Occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh
Interview with Congress Mr. Michael E. McMahon of New York.AT: Dear Mr. McMahon, first of all, it would be interesting to know your opinion about US-Azerbaijani political relations. As a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Read MoreA Proud American with Azerbaijani heritage….
By Tomris Azeri, President of Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA).I am a proud American of Azerbaijani heritage. Immigrating to the Unites States with my family in 1963, I had the good fortune to be reared and educated here where I
Read MoreThe Official Washington is a Strong Supporter of the Southern Gas Corridor
An interview with Mr Richard Morningstar, US Ambassador to Azerbaijan. AT: Mr Morningstar, first of all, it would be interesting to know your opinion about US-Azerbaijani political relations.What is the state of the relations between the two countries under changing
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